Painting the exterior of a building can give it a fresh, new look and improve its overall appearance. However, painting the exterior of a building is not an easy task and can quickly become a costly and time-consuming project if mistakes are made. From choosing the right paint to avoiding weather-related issues, there are several common mistakes that people make when painting the exterior of their building. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the top five mistakes to avoid when painting your building’s exterior. By following our advice, you can ensure that your painting project is successful, and your building looks great for years to come.

Mistake #1: Skipping the Prep Work

Properly preparing the exterior of a building is critical to ensuring that the paint adheres correctly and provides long-lasting protection. Skipping this step is a common mistake that people make when painting the exterior of their building. While it may seem tempting to jump right into the painting process, taking the time to prepare the surface can save you time, effort, and money in the long run.

Prepping the exterior of a building before painting involves several key steps. First, you should clean the surface thoroughly to remove any dirt, debris, or loose paint. This can be done using a pressure washer or a stiff-bristled brush and water. It’s essential to remove any mold or mildew as well, as these can cause the new paint to peel and crack.

After cleaning the surface, you should inspect it for any damage, such as cracks or holes. These should be repaired using a suitable filler, such as caulk or spackle, and allowed to dry completely. Any rough spots or imperfections should be sanded down to create a smooth, even surface for the paint to adhere to.

Once the surface is clean and free of damage, it’s time to apply a primer. A primer helps to create a uniform base for the paint and ensures that it adheres properly to the surface. It also helps to seal any porous areas and prevent moisture from seeping into the surface, which can cause the paint to peel and crack.

Skipping the prep work can lead to several problems, including peeling, flaking, and chipping of the new paint. Paint that is applied to a dirty, damaged, or uneven surface will not adhere correctly and will likely fail sooner than expected. In addition, painting over mold or mildew can cause health problems for occupants of the building, as these can spread and cause respiratory issues.

In summary, skipping the prep work is a mistake that can lead to a subpar finish and costly repairs in the long run. Taking the time to properly prepare the exterior of your building before painting will ensure that the new paint adheres correctly and provides long-lasting protection. Don’t rush the prep work, as it is a critical step that will pay off in the long run.

Mistake #2: Not Choosing the Right Paint

Choosing the right paint is crucial to achieving a high-quality finish that will stand the test of time. Unfortunately, not everyone takes the time to research and choose the right paint for their building’s exterior. This can result in paint that doesn’t adhere properly, fades quickly, or peels and cracks, leading to costly and time-consuming repairs.

When choosing paint for your building’s exterior, there are several factors to consider. First, you need to decide on the type of paint you want to use. There are two main types of exterior paint: oil-based and water-based. Oil-based paint is more durable and provides a smoother finish, but it takes longer to dry and requires solvents for cleanup. Water-based paint is easier to clean up, dries faster, and is more environmentally friendly, but it is not as durable as oil-based paint.

Another factor to consider is the sheen of the paint. The sheen refers to the level of glossiness or shininess of the paint. High-gloss paints provide a shiny finish but are more susceptible to showing imperfections and require more maintenance. Flat paints, on the other hand, provide a more muted finish and are easier to maintain but are not as durable as high-gloss paints.

In addition to the type and sheen of the paint, you also need to consider the quality of the paint. High-quality paint will provide better coverage, adhere better, and resist fading and peeling better than lower-quality paint. While high-quality paint may be more expensive initially, it will save you money in the long run by reducing the need for touch-ups and repaints.

Not choosing the right paint can lead to several problems, including premature fading, peeling, and cracking. Using the wrong type of paint or the wrong sheen can also result in a less-than-desirable finish that doesn’t look as good as it could. In addition, using low-quality paint may result in a finish that doesn’t hold up as well over time, leading to more frequent repaints and repairs.

In summary, choosing the right paint is essential to achieving a high-quality finish that will stand up to the elements and provide long-lasting protection for your building’s exterior. Take the time to research and choose the right type, sheen, and quality of paint for your project to avoid costly and time-consuming repairs down the road.

Mistake #3: Ignoring the Weather Forecast

The weather can have a significant impact on the success of an exterior painting project. Ignoring the weather forecast and painting in unfavorable conditions is a common mistake that can result in a subpar finish and costly repairs. It’s essential to choose the right time to paint, taking into account the weather conditions and temperature.

When painting the exterior of a building, it’s important to choose a day when the weather is dry and relatively mild. Painting in damp or humid conditions can cause the paint to take longer to dry and lead to issues with adhesion. Similarly, painting in excessively hot or cold temperatures can also cause problems with the paint, leading to cracking, peeling, or other issues.

In addition to the current weather conditions, it’s important to consider the forecast for the coming days. Even if the weather is currently dry and mild, if there is rain or high humidity in the forecast, it’s best to wait until the conditions are more favorable. This will ensure that the paint has the best chance of adhering properly and providing long-lasting protection.

Ignoring the weather forecast can lead to several problems, including poor adhesion, premature fading, and cracking or peeling of the paint. Painting in damp or humid conditions can also lead to the growth of mold and mildew, which can cause health problems for occupants of the building. In addition, painting in extremely hot or cold temperatures can lead to issues with the paint’s performance and longevity.

In summary, ignoring the weather forecast is a mistake that can result in costly and time-consuming repairs down the road. Take the time to choose the right time to paint, considering both the current weather conditions and the forecast for the coming days. This will ensure that the paint adheres properly and provides long-lasting protection for your building’s exterior. Don’t rush the process, as the weather can make a significant difference in the success of your painting project.

Mistake #4: Using Low-Quality Tools and Equipment

When it comes to painting your building’s exterior, the quality of the tools and equipment you use can make a significant difference in the outcome of the project. Using low-quality tools and equipment can result in a subpar finish, wasted time and effort, and costly repairs down the road.

One common mistake people make when painting their building’s exterior is using cheap or inadequate brushes, rollers, and sprayers. Low-quality brushes and rollers can leave behind streaks and brush marks, while sprayers that are not powerful enough can result in uneven coverage and overspray. In addition, using worn-out brushes or rollers can result in a patchy or uneven finish.

Another mistake people make is using low-quality or inappropriate paint thinners, solvents, and cleaners. Using the wrong type of solvent can cause the paint to break down or not adhere properly, while using low-quality thinners can lead to a poor finish and difficulty in cleaning up.

Using outdated or worn-out equipment can also lead to problems with the paint application. For example, using a ladder that is unstable or too short can make it difficult to reach all areas of the building’s exterior, resulting in missed spots or uneven coverage. Using outdated or faulty equipment can also result in accidents or injuries, leading to additional costs and delays.

Using low-quality tools and equipment can lead to several problems, including a subpar finish, wasted time and effort, and costly repairs down the road. Using inadequate brushes, rollers, and sprayers can result in uneven coverage, overspray, and patchy or streaky finishes. Using the wrong type of solvents and thinners can cause the paint to break down or not adhere properly. In addition, using outdated or worn-out equipment can lead to accidents or injuries, causing additional costs and delays.

In summary, using high-quality tools and equipment is essential to achieving a professional-looking finish that will stand up to the elements and provide long-lasting protection for your building’s exterior. Take the time to invest in the right brushes, rollers, sprayers, solvents, and thinners, and ensure that all equipment is in good working condition. This will help you avoid costly mistakes and achieve a successful painting project.

Mistake #5: Rushing the Painting Process

Painting the exterior of a building is a time-consuming and often tedious process. It can be tempting to rush through the job to get it done quickly, but this is a mistake that can lead to a subpar finish and costly repairs down the road. Rushing the painting process can result in missed spots, uneven coverage, and paint that doesn’t adhere properly.

One common mistake people make when painting their building’s exterior is not taking the time to properly prepare the surface. Skipping prep work such as cleaning, sanding, and priming can result in a poor finish and paint that doesn’t adhere properly. Rushing through the prep work can also lead to missed spots or areas that are not properly covered.

Another mistake people make when painting their building’s exterior is not allowing enough time for the paint to dry between coats. Rushing the painting process by applying multiple coats too quickly can result in the paint not adhering properly, leading to cracking, peeling, and other issues.

Rushing the painting process can also result in accidents and mistakes. For example, painting in windy conditions can cause overspray and uneven coverage, while rushing to finish the job before rain can result in the paint being washed away or not adhering properly.

In summary, rushing the painting process is a mistake that can result in a subpar finish, wasted time and effort, and costly repairs down the road. Take the time to properly prepare the surface, allow enough time for the paint to dry between coats, and be mindful of the weather conditions. Don’t rush the job, as taking the time to do it right will result in a professional-looking finish that will stand up to the elements and provide long-lasting protection for your building’s exterior.


In conclusion, painting the exterior of a building can be a daunting task, but avoiding these top five mistakes can make the process smoother and result in a professional-looking finish that will stand the test of time. Skipping prep work, choosing the wrong paint, ignoring the weather forecast, using low-quality tools and equipment, and rushing the painting process are all common mistakes that can lead to a subpar finish, wasted time and effort, and costly repairs down the road. By taking the time to properly prepare the surface, choosing the right paint, paying attention to the weather, using high-quality tools and equipment, and not rushing the process, you can achieve a successful painting project that will provide long-lasting protection for your building’s exterior. So, keep these tips in mind and happy painting!